“I was shot in the center of my chest by an unknown assailant.  It was one of the best things that ever happened to me.”

In Find the Upside of the Down Times Rob Pennington,PhD, shares his own very personal and honest account of some of the biggest challenges life can throw at anyone. He empowers readers with true stories, inspiring insights and practical tools to help turn their own negative experiences into positive opportunities.

Winner of two USA Best Books 2011 Finalist Awards for both: Best New Non-Fiction and Best Self-Help: General; and

One Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winner: Self-Help

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Stepping beyond the initial shock and emotional roller coaster of each trial he faced, Dr. Pennington credits faith and support from others. “I discovered strengths I did not know I had and might not have found, had it not been for the challenge,” says Dr. Pennington. “I learned how to turn the worst things that happen to me into the best opportunities I have.”

This book is not about theory, but the very real blessings that can be found by anyone in the difficulties of day-to-day life. At the end of each chapter, Dr. Pennington shares specific activities he learned that can assist readers to turn their own struggles into stepping-stones that can lead to an upside of personal and professional growth.

With wit and tenderness, with vulnerability and candor, the reader is taken on a journey through many aspects of life, from career and finances to relationships, education, and health. And when tragedy strikes, Dr. Pennington demonstrates through his own humanity that even though we all have difficult times, we also have the ability to rise above them.

When the times start to drag you down … Rob’s real world examples show that you can still:

          • Turn your worries into positive action plans
          • Turn your fears into opportunities for hope and for help
          • Turn your life into something better than you thought possible
Book launched July 30, 2011.