Teleseminars Schedule

No Currently Scheduled Teleseminars and Webinars

Previously Scheduled Teleseminars and Webinars

Break The Habit of Not Keeping New Year’s Resolutions!

Most people start the new year with the habit of not keeping new habits! Many have even given up making resolutions. The problem is good intentions are never good enough to build a new habit and make it stick. In this 30 minute teleseminar I will share a 6 step process for building a positive habit I have used for years. You will be able to begin your new year with one positive, new habit that can turn a dream into a reality. An audio recording will be available for everyone who signs up to help you continue building more positive new habits throughout the year. Join me and let’s make this year the best ever!

Speed Through Stress

The goal is not no stress. That’s not possible. The goal is to recognize your stress faster and move through it quicker. Based on 30 years of learning with an extremely stressful life (read my book) while at the same time sharing with others what I’ve learned about speeding through stress in 5 steps in 15 seconds, I know I can make a powerful and positive difference for you every day. Download my free opt in video and manual and let’s go further in addressing the power and benefits of using this technique anytime anything or anyone isn’t the way we want.

Audio recordings will be made available to all registrants after the event.

Rob’s life changes lives. Click book for more information.

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