
Online Programs That Could Change Your Life

I am so excited about the opportunity to share with you and others around the world, all made possible through the technology of Teleseminars (audio on the phone) and Webinars (audio and video).

Sign up for a FREE 30 minute Teleseminar:
An Introduction to Successfully Managing The Stress of Change

Until now I have only been able to interact with people who have been in the same room with me, whether in a multi-day training seminar or at a conference or convention. You can see from the few examples to the right that there have been a lot over 30 years.

Now we can produce real results through a virtual experience. Although the setting may seem artificial, the learning and experience will be very real – and life changing. I know, because you will be learning ideas, tools and techniques that have changed my life and the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide. These are techniques I use every day to make a positive difference in handling both the elementary school lessons and the graduate school lessons in life. Any of you who have read my book, Find The Upside Of The Down Times, know how I have grown through many trials to be able to handle some pretty big graduate school life lessons.

We can be at home. You can be in your home and I in mine, but everyone on the call can be connected. We can support each other in making our paths smoother and easier together.

Timing can be convenient. Some live programs will be scheduled during the day, some during the evening, depending on your time zone. But each program will be recorded, so if you can’t make the live event it will be available whenever it works best for you.

The cost can be lower. In many of the free, value filled programs you will get an overview of the models with enough insight and support that you can begin applying immediately what you learn. More in-depth opportunities will be offered that involve a fee. We will offer online ‘Train the Trainer’ programs, where you will learn to share these ideas with others at work and at home (and have your company pay for it!). All these programs will allow you to implement many practical tools for making a powerful positive impact – every day.

Rob’s life changes lives. Click book for more information.

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